
Paul Osbourne has created a niche for developing African-centred transformational change by creating culturally relevant programs, workshops, curriculum, community conversations and organizational training. Paul uses his expertise and experience to support and strengthen non-profits that work with African-Canadian youth and their families. He has been using African-Centred Interventions (ACIs) to positively impact the lives of African Canadian families for over 20 years locally, nationally and globally. ACIs are often associated with positive outcomes including improved self-concept, cultural awareness and greater sense of purpose.

Paul has over 15 years experience managing and developing programs/courses for Black and Newcomer youth in the GTA with a culturally responsive lens. He has also coordinated a diverse range of projects for non-profits including:
The Black Youth Pathway to Leadership and Governance-Taibuchc
Moving Conversations, mental health project-CAFCAN
Kujistahi Heritage Program, Delta Family Resource Centre

Paul is a certified Rites of Passage facilitator (National Rites of Passage Institute) and both facilitated and managed the GTA’S first Rites of passage program for African Canadian youth. He is the co-founder for Ujima House-Canada’s only father-focused space for racialized fathers and their families. In addition he has been a trainer for the Tabono institute and facilitates workshops in Anti-Racism, Anti-Black Racism, Program development and evaluation.

Paul has engaged in many consultancies to create and develop effective organizational training and workshops with several organizations including; City of Toronto-CABR, Ifarada Institute, ACSA, Trent University, CHEERS Mentorship, YWCA, Ujima fathering centre, Toronto CAS and the Toronto District School Board.